Team Leaders: Megan Ebborn, Viv Morley, Helen Rennie-Younger, Karen Rodger, Lorene Hurd
We are looking for parent input on our Community Engagement project which is one of Sunnybrae’s strategic goals for 2021. It would be wonderful to hear from you.
Summary of team’s recent initiatives:
– Sent out a survey to whānau. Thank you for your responses.
– Met with an enthusiastic parent consultation group to gather their ideas on developing an entranceway that reflects the cultural makeup of our school.
– Design concepts for the front entrance were well received by the Board of Trustees.
– The Community Engagement Team met with a number of cultural groups to hear about the strong connections they have with their homeland, and they shared their knowledge, stories and experiences. These sessions have been invaluable in terms of staff gaining an enriched understanding of the different cultural groups we have met with so far. Each group has collated images related to important aspects of their culture that will be used to create wooden panels to celebrate the many cultural groups that make Sunnybrae Normal School unique.
– The Team met during this current Lockdown and decided to pause the cultural meetings during Alert Level 4 as our initiative is driven by building relationships face to face with the various cultural groups in our school.
– Therefore, our revised current focus is to find an artist/group of artists who could help our vision of panels at our front entrance become a reality.
– We also discussed ways to support families when returning to school in Alert Level 2.