Term 2 Week 4: Friday 24 May 2024

Term 2 Week 4: Friday 24 May 2024

Important Dates 2024
Monday 27 May – Year 5 & 6 Cluster Sports Day
Friday 31 May – Teacher Only Day – School closed
Monday 3 June – King’s Birthday – School closed
Wednesday 12 June – Year 5 & 6 Camp
Thursday 20 June – BoT Meeting, 5.30pm in the Staffroom
Friday 21 June – Jammies for June Charity Event
Tuesday 25 June – Parent Teacher Conferences, 1.30pm – 6.40pm                Tuesday 25 June – Sunnybrae
Wednesday 26 June
– Parent Teacher Conferences, 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Thursday 27 June – Matariki Breakfast, 6.30am in the staffroom. All welcome

Spotlight on Year 1 & 2
Young Ocean Explorers Presentation
Mental Health Education
Teacher Only Day – Y Out of School Care

Emergency Procedures –
Earthquake Drill
Supporting Charities
PTA Update:
Fundraising Movie Night
Community Notices

The PB4L focus for next week will be on: 
Respect: Everywhere – Use kind words

Spotlight on Year 1 & 2
We were delighted to have two workshops for our Year 1 & 2 team, run by one of our parents, Kelsey Donald. Kelsey conducted a pottery demonstration, allowing all of our Year 1 & 2 tamariki to experience touching wet clay on the pottery wheel. This hands-on learning opportunity was a highlight for everyone.  

Given that our Term 2 inquiry topic focuses on community, having a member of our parent community lead this learning session was particularly meaningful. We extend our sincere gratitude to Kelsey for sharing her knowledge, skills, passion, and time with us. Thank you for being a part of this special learning journey.

Young Ocean Explorers 
Since 2012 Young Ocean Explorers have been on a mission to inspire kids to love the ocean, through entertaining education. They capture children’s imaginations through great storytelling, bringing the beauty, awe and fascination of the ocean and its inhabitants alive. Their vision is to create generational change by connecting hearts and minds with the importance of enjoying and caring for our oceans and giving them the tools to make a better future. There’s never been a more vital time for the health of the ocean and this planet than now!

The whole school was able to attend a presentation from Riley Hathaway who is an ambassador for the Young Ocean Explorers.  She shared her story of how she faced her fears and also told us some amazing stories about ocean life. We especially liked having to make actions for some of the sea creatures that we live with on our planet. Lastly, she challenged all of us to pick up one piece of plastic every day so that the oceans can flourish long into the future.

Check out their website for fascinating underwater vidoes and interviews with ocean experts.  www.youngoceanexplorers.com

This week Bri, a coach from ‘Mitey’ has been supporting the teams to integrate Mental Health Education into their units of inquiry. This has been valuable professional development for us all as we strive to embed Mental Health Education into all that we do.

From left: Sunnybrae teachers Monique Jansen, Liz Kwon, Eva Roding, Karen Hasell and Minuli Narahenpitage with Bri from Mitey.

Teacher Only Day – Friday 31 May
The Y Out of School Care is proposing to run a one-day programme on Friday 31 May for the Teacher Only Day. If you would be interested in booking please click the link below. This will be run out of the YMCA North Shore, 5 Akoranga Drive, Northcote. 


Emergency Procedures
As part of our ongoing monitoring of our Emergency Procedures we had an Earthquake Drill in the morning of Wednesday 22 May. These drills also test our indoor and outdoor speakers ensuring emergency announcements can be heard. This drill took 9 minutes to complete. 

All students were prepared for the drill by their classroom teacher. An announcement was made indicating an earthquake. Once the announcement was made, staff and students dropped to the ground to Drop, Cover and Hold. This required people to stay in the building and get under the nearest table or strong structure and get into the turtle position (on knees, rolled into a ball, hands over head). Following the drill and the ‘all clear’ announcement was made, teachers completed a debrief document with their class.

Supporting Charities
At Sunnybrae we would love to be able to support all the charities that do a wonderful job of helping sick and underprivileged New Zealanders.
To limit added pressure to families to constantly bring in donations, Sunnybrae has chosen the following charities to support this year. 

Term 2 – Jammies for June – Donate pyjamas or give a donation to help kids in need keep warm in winter.
Term 3 – Wig Wednesday – supporting the Child Cancer Society.
Term 4 – Gumboot Friday –  to help provide free counselling to young Kiwis in need.

We will request a gold coin donation and create a fun day for students by having this event as a non-uniform day.

Naming your child’s school items
Please ensure all items that come to school are clearly named. This includes
clothing, drink bottles, lunchboxes, shoes, school bags and swimwear. We do our very best to get the named items back to your children as soon as possible. We appreciate your cooperation.

Fundraising Movie Night
A huge thank you to all who came and enjoyed the PTA Fundraising Movie Night.
It was so much fun to see everyone enjoying the show with family and friends
snuggled on bean bags and blankets. Special thanks to our PTA team who organised and sold the yummy pizzas. We are grateful to our staff members who
volunteered their time to assist with door sales, equipment set up and clean up. Your
help is so appreciated. Finally, thanks to the parents and families for coming and
supporting us. With your generosity, we raised over $2000. An amazing effort to get us closer to having the funds to purchase a new playground.

Congratulations to our myKindo spotprize winners: Jesse – Room 10, Andrei – Room 14, Vivienne – Room 1, Aglaia – Room 20.

Kind regards
Lorene Hurd,

Please note that all children are to be collected from school by 3.00 pm. If you are unable to collect before this time, you may be interested in booking your child into the YMCA after-school club held in the School Hall.  


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