Term 2 Week 6: Friday 7 June 2024
Important Dates 2024 Wednesday 12 to Friday 14 June – Year 5 & 6 Camp Thursday 20 June – BoT Meeting, 5:30 pm in the Staffroom Friday 21 June – Jammies for June Charity Event Friday 21 June – Whole School Assembly, 2:10 pm in the School Hall. All welcome Wednesday 26 June – Parent Teacher Conferences, 1:30 pm – 6:30 pm Wednesday 26 June – Sunnybrae SCHOOL CLOSES AT 12:30 pm Thursday 27 June – Matariki Breakfast, 6:30 am. All welcome Thursday 27 June – Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Friday 28 June – Matariki – School Closed Friday 5 July – End of Term 2 Please refer to the Hero calendar on your app or click here to see future events at Sunnybrae.
IN THIS ISSUE: Parent Teacher Conferences – Bookings open on Hero Cluster Sports Review Mental Health Education Winter Illness Whole School Production Lucky Book Club – Issue 4 out now Hero Tip – Absence reporting PTA Raffle – Win tickets to Madagascar the Musical Staff Directory Community Notices
The PB4L focus for next week will be on: Cooperation: Everywhere – Play safely and keep hands and feet to ourselves.
Parent Teacher Conferences & Goal Setting
Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June 2023 We are holding our Sunnybrae Parent Teacher Conferences and Goal Setting on the 26th of June from 1.30 pm – 6.40 pm and again on the 27th of June from 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm. Students are encouraged to come along for these conferences. We believe it is important for the children to be part of these conversations so they can reflect on their strengths and achievements and take ownership of their learning goals in the coming term. We hope that all of our Sunnybrae families and whānau will value this time to build home-school connections.
Bookings on Hero Please book an appointment with your child’s teacher by booking on your Hero app. You will be able to book a 10-minute interview. If you have more than one child, you will not be able to book back-to-back interviews. This is to allow time for you to move from one class to the next and to ensure that the schedule stays on track. Bookings are now open for both days and can be made electronically through the Hero app. If you need support to make a booking on the Hero app, please email your child’s teacher. If you need language support, please add a note in the comment to the teacher section at the time of booking so that we can arrange a translator.
Click here for instructions on how to make a booking.
Please be aware that children will need to be picked up at 12.30 pm on Wednesday the 26th of June.
YMCA will be offering after-school care from 12.30 pm. Click here to book your child in using the Special Day option.
Celebrating Matariki We would like to invite everyone to a Matariki breakfast on the 27th June at 6.30 am. Matariki is about gathering with family and friends. We remember those who have died in the past year. In the past, people would call out their names as Matariki was sighted. Matariki is also about taking time to notice the hauora/health of your local environment and the hauhake/gathering of kai to cook a feast with family and friends. New Year’s wishes are also made for the year ahead. These wishes are usually made for the natural word rather than for yourself.
Sunnybrae Matariki Dawn Breakfast Come along and look at the stars, take part in planting a new Pūriri tree, make a new year’s wish and enjoy some Matariki soup or some hot porridge. The students in our Kapa Haka group, led by Mr Nicko Vella will also perform.
To help us with our planning, could you please RSVP by Monday 17 June, using this Google form to let us know how many whānau (family) members will come to the breakfast. Please click here to RSVP. Attendees will need to bring a bowl, a cup, and a spoon.
Spotlight on Year 5 & 6 Cluster Sports Day Last Monday, Rooms 16 – 20 enjoyed participating in our cluster sports day. This is when we join with our cluster schools (Willow Park, Northcote Primary and St Marys) to have a fun day of sport. The aim of the day is to give a sport a try that you have never played before. We want the students to have fun as they learn about sports and sportsmanship. Everyone had a fabulous day despite the weather, and it was great to see all the students showing our RICE and fantastic sportsmanship with each other and the other schools.
Room 17 is working on persuasive writing inspired by Cluster Sports Day that took place on Monday. Here is a piece of writing that celebrates badminton:
“Some people may say soccer is the best cluster sports activity. However, I believe badminton tops all those cluster sports activities. Here are 3 reasons why. Firstly, it’s an indoor sport, meaning it’s playable in all-weather. Secondly, it’s a fun and athletic game. Thirdly, they allow you to play many different sports, including squash, pickleball, and basketball.
Firstly, Badminton, being played inside, means it’s an all-weather sport. You don’t need to worry about getting wet, muddy fields and slipping over on concrete or wet and dirty grass. For example, on wet days, slipping and tripping on wet and slippery surfaces while focusing on the ball. This means it would be very easy to trip over somebody, or step right into a muddy puddle, getting you, your clothes and others wet and dirty. This is why Badminton can be played in all weather conditions.
Secondly, it’s a very exciting and sporty game. Sometimes, it can really get you running around the court and also test your patience and focus. For example, everyone looked like they were enjoying their time and were very enthusiastic about playing. Therefore, badminton is a very sporty -and fun sport, which got us worked up.
Thirdly, they allowed us to play squash, pickleball, and basketball! These sports were challenging, but in an enjoyable way. We all enjoyed the different sports, and learning how to play them. For example, many enjoyed trying new and different games like squash! Which only Mrs Waters has played before.
In conclusion, I believe that badminton is the best cluster sports activity for 3 reasons -One, it’s an indoor sport. Two, it’s a sporty and fun game. Three, they allow you to play other related sports.” Claire – Room 17
Mitey Part 2 of 5: Designed for NZ children, Mitey supports schools to deliver an evidence based approach to mental health education for Years 1-8.
Mana Ūkaipō Children need to feel belonging and connection to the place where they live and learn and to the people in those places. By celebrating differences and knowing that their knowledge and history are important and shared, children get the connection they need to thrive.
Mana Ūkaipō develops when children know:
- that they belong
- about where they live and go to school.
- their cultural knowledge and history is important and valued
- they feel connected to others
Children demonstrate Mana Ūkaipō when they:
- feel proud to go to their school.
- Understand how their actions affect others.
- Actively participate in school activities.
- Can talk about their whakapapa, history, culture and language.
- Can compare and contrast different points of view respectfully.
Ref: Mitey Sir John Kirwan Foundation
Knowing if your child is well enough to be at school Going to school every day is important for all school-aged children. It helps build their confidence and social skills and to achieve their education and life aspirations. This information helps us understand when it is okay for a child to still be at school and when an unwell child should be at home. Please click here for the full article.
Lucky Book Club brochures went home this week. Online orders only. Order before 14 June for free delivery to school. Click here to order.
Whole School Production We are thrilled to announce that we will be having a school production in Term 3 involving all of our Sunnybrae students.
The show is called ‘Music Through the Ages’ and was written by Mr Nicko Vella, our Music Specialist Teacher. All classes will perform a dance, and Year 5 and 6 students will have an opportunity to audition for lead roles. The audition process is already underway.
Performance Dates: Friday 16th August – Rooms 1, 3, 4, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19 Friday 24th August – Rooms 5, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 at the Westlake Girls High School Hall
Circle these dates on your calendar. Please invite all your family, friends and neighbours. We are all super excited about this event! More details will be provided by your child’s teacher as the term progresses. Tickets will go on sale in Term 3. Stay tuned.
Absence Reporting Hero Tip Thank you to all the families that are reporting their child’s absence on the Hero app. This has certainly made a difference to the efficiency of the office with logging student attendance. We have had parent feedback when using Hero that only the current day can be logged as a day of leave. If you need to advise multiple days off school for medical reasons, there is the option to specify additional dates in the comment section. These will be noted on our system by the office staff.
Time off for holidays longer than 5 days will still need to be requested in advance by emailing absences@sunnybrae.school.nz with your dates and destination. Our Principal needs to approve this absence.
Staff Directory
Room 1 – Wendy Frazer wfrazer@sunnybrae.school.nz
Room 3 – Karen Hasell khasell@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 4 – Catherine Young cyoung@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 4 – Monique Jansen mjansen@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 5 – Brittney Hight bhight@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 6 – Christine Mason cmason@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 8 – Liz Kwon lkwon@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 9 – Rachel Poole rpoole@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 10 – Eva Roding eroding@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 11 – Claire Everett ceverett@sunnybrae.school.nz
Room 12 – Rachel Olliver rolliver@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 13 – Anna Blair ablair@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 14 – Catrina Scott cscott@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 15 – Melinda Clow mclow@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 16 – Carolyn Hutton chutton@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 17 – Jasmine Kim jkim@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 18 – Miranda Blincoe mblincoe@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 19 – Mary Waters mwaters@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Room 20 – Stephen Gordon sgordon@sunnybrae.school.nz |
Great school holiday entertainment – support our PTA Fundraiser Simply purchase an online raffle ticket on myKindo to be in the draw to win a double pass valued at over $80. Enter as many times as you like. The winner will be drawn at the Whole School Assembly on Friday 21 June. Entries close 9am Friday 21 June. Available on myKindo only. No cash to the office please. Click here to purchase your entry in the draw.
Naming your child’s school items Please ensure all items that come to school are clearly named. This includes clothing, drink bottles, lunchboxes, shoes, school bags and swimwear. We do our very best to get the named items back to your children as soon as possible. We appreciate your cooperation.
Kind regards Lorene Hurd, Principal SUNNYBRAE NORMAL SCHOOL
REMINDER: Please note that all children are to be collected from school by 3.00 pm. If you are unable to collect before this time, you may be interested in booking your child into the YMCA after-school club held in the School Hall.