Newsletter Term 3 Week 2 2022

Term 3 Week 2


In This Issue

  1. Welcome to Sunnybrae
  2. PB4L – Positive Behaviour for Learning
  3. Out of Zone Ballot for Term 4, 2022
  4. ESOL Graduates T3 W1
  5. Board of Trustee Elections
  6. Community Engagement Focus Group Meeting
  7. Enrolments at Sunnybrae Normal School
  8. Sushi Friday
  9. YMCA

Community Notices

1. Welcome to Sunnybrae

This week we would like to welcome the following new students and their families to our school community:

Maxim Edmonds-Ataya in Room 15, Elissa Wang in Room 13, Johanna Wang and Effie Wang in Room 12, Andrei Edmond-Ataya in Room 10, Madisyn Blanden in Room 3, Mahalia Liveti-Bloor, Anvia Nithin, George Nom, Barbie Qiu and Sarah Wang in Room 2.

2. PB4L – Positive Behaviour for Learning

The PB4L focus for Week 2 will be on using independence everywhere. Our lessons will focus on:

  • Trying new things

3. Out of Zone Ballot for Term 4, 2022

Applications Welcome

We are very excited to announce there will be a ballot for out of zone enrolments at Sunnybrae Normal School starting in Term 4, 2022. The deadline for applications for places in Years 1 to 6 is Thursday 1 September 2022. The ballot will be held on Monday 5 September.

4.  ESOL Graudates Term 3, Week 1

Congratulations and well done to the following students who have graduated from the ESOL progrmme:  Ronal Jayasinghe Arachchige, Ryan Shin, Annika Xu, Ammar Batoor, Fatima Alhashemy, Maxim Sharov, Ishita Segundar, Saniyah Patel, Lion Yu, Lamar Al Naime

Please see Mrs Mason for your graduate certificate.

5. Board of Trustee Elections

Our school is undertaking a parent election for our School Board. This process has

started with the issuing of nomination papers to our caregiver community.

We have employed CES to undertake the election process on our behalf. This year with legislative change, our nomination form and full instruction on how to place your

nomination into our own School’s Election website will be emailed to you if we have your current email address in our database or you will receive it by post if we don’t have your email in our database. Nomination papers will also be available at the school office. The school will send those on to CES for processing upon receipt from candidates. Nominations close on Wednesday 3rd August at 12 noon. Election day is Wednesday 7th September. We look forward to your participation in this process.

6. Community Engagement

Cultural Focus Group Meetings

We are excited to be holding another focus group evening for our Indonesian, Thai, Bulgarian, Vietnamese, American, Cambodian and Kurdish families. It will be held on Thursday 4 August 7:00 – 8:00 pm in the staffroom. We invite our school community from these cultural groups to come along and join us. We will be combining the Taiwanese group in with our Chinese panel. 

7. Enrolments at Sunnybrae Normal School

If you live ‘in zone’ and have a child turning 5 this year, please make sure you enrol them as soon as possible. Please also encourage any new ‘in zone’ families to enrol their children as this helps us with future planning. For enrolment forms and further information you can choose from the following:

8. Sushi Friday


Kind regards

Lorene Hurd


Sunnybrae Normal School

11. Community Notices

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