Newsletter – Friday 10 September 2021

Friday 10 September 2021 Alert Level 4 continues in Auckland Dear Parents/Caregivers We are looking for parent input on Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) which is one of Sunnybrae’s strategic goals for 2021. As you can see below, the team is inviting you to a Parent Workshop. PB4L’s Recent Initiatives Posters and signage, including our … Read moreNewsletter – Friday 10 September 2021

Newsletter – Wednesday 8 September 2022

Wednesday 8 September 2021 Alert Level 4 continues in Auckland Dear Parents/Caregivers We are looking for parent input on Learner Qualities (Key Competencies) which is one of Sunnybrae’s strategic goals for 2021. Learner Qualities Action Team Summary of team’s recent initiatives: We are working with our designer to create posters to promote the Learner Qualities … Read moreNewsletter – Wednesday 8 September 2022

Wednesday 1 September – Remaining at Alert Level 4

1 September 2021 Remaining at Alert Level 4 Dear Parents/Caregivers I think we had all anticipated a further extension of Alert Level 4, and the Prime Minister has confirmed this. The Alert Level will be reviewed, but for now, Alert Level 4 will remain in place until Monday 13 September. Despite this news, it is … Read moreWednesday 1 September – Remaining at Alert Level 4

COVID-19 Alert Level 4 – Letter to Parents/Caregivers

COVID-19 Alert Level 4 Dear Parents and Caregivers, Today it was announced by the Prime Minister that Auckland and Coromandel will move to Alert Level 4 at 11:59 pm today, Tuesday 17 August 2021 for seven days. The rest of New Zealand will be at Alert Level 4 for three days.  Home Learning We will … Read moreCOVID-19 Alert Level 4 – Letter to Parents/Caregivers

Community Engagement Meeting Postponed

Dear Parents/Caregivers  In light of the pending announcement regarding a COVID-19 community case in Auckland, we have decided to postpone the Community Engagement meeting this evening (Tuesday 17th August).  We appreciate your understanding and we will be in touch with further details regarding the rescheduled meetings.  Kind regards  Community Engagement Team