Sunnybrae Normal School has established a reputation for providing quality education within a positive and inclusive climate. We value the partnership that we have with parents, students, staff and community, recognising their substantial contribution made since 1966 in providing the resources, facilities, standards, traditions and values we have today. We aim to maintain and extend our students’ education in a climate of partnership, life long learning, and in caring for and valuing each individual. We prioritise the following:
Effective Teaching Practice
A variety of effective teaching strategies and approaches are used to achieve success in learning. These include: an inquiry based approach, problem solving, authentic learning experiences that relate to real life contexts, co-operative learning, use of learning centres, ability based individualised and group learning, interactive and hands on experiences, use of the environment and peer tutoring. We believe it is our responsibility to offer children the best and most effective strategies to suit their learning needs. |
Library and Information Centre
Our library and information centre is a modern, child friendly, key resource area in our school. Each year we apportion a significant part of our budget to maintaining and extending teaching and learning resources that support the learning process. Classrooms are all networked to the library facilities and we use a computerised system for the issue and return of all books and resources. Computers are available for students to use, enabling them to further develop their information skills to undertake research. Supervised access to educational websites is provided before school and at lunchtimes. This is also a time for students to browse or gather information on topics of interest to them.
Gifted and Talented Programme Special programmes are offered in a variety of curriculum areas to students with special talents and abilities. An extensive programme both within the classroom and in selected groups is provided. This includes mathematics extension, thinking skills, philosophy for children, future problem solving, speech making, debating, and one-day curriculum programmes. |
Catering for Special Needs Children with special needs are assisted in a variety of ways. The part-time teachers and teacher aides play a prominent role in helping class teachers best meet each student’s needs. We provide support programmes in maths, reading and writing and a Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP) for students needing assistance in developing greater co-ordination. Our school works closely with specialist agencies to ensure that best advice and support is accessed. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is written for children who gain support via the Ministry’s Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS). |
ESOL – English for Speakers of Other Languages For newer arrivals to New Zealand with no English, or limited English, some additional help is provided with discretionary funding made available by the Ministry of Education. Specialist teachers provide small group tuition in English. We also employ two language assistants who provide support and translation for our Chinese and Korean students. |
Music Extension
Opportunities exist for students to be involved in a number of musical activities that are additional to classroom programmes. Our Senior Choir participates in Music Festivals and, along with the Middles Choir, perform at assemblies and local venues. Lunchtime recorder and orchestral groups offer free music tuition for children from Year 3 onwards. Junior, Middle and Senior school musicals are produced biennially. |
Cultural Groups We have two Kapa Haka groups, one for Middle and one for Senior students, dance and drama groups and a chess group, all examples of groups that encourage students to extend their education and personal interests and talents.Both groups perform at School Assemblies; the Senior Kapa Haka group perform each year at the Onepoto Cultural Festival and the Middles group perform at the Northbridge Retirement Village. |
Sunnybrae is proud to be involved in the Enviroschool programme. In 2011 we received a Silver Ward – see attached statement below about this. As an Enviroschool we have established a school garden group who meet weekly to further develop and maintain our garden and worm bin. We have a shade house where children are encouraged to propagate plants for our own Sunnybrae bush area located on our lower field.
Curriculum Newsletter Updates
We publish the most recent newsletter updates and information for parents/caregivers from our Curriculum teams below.